[13 July 2022]
Il Centro Congressi ravennate ospiterà le lauree degli studenti della terza coorte e un simposio internazionale sulle scienze ambientali in campo marino e costiero. E l'esperienza del corso internazionale proseguirà, sempre al Campus di Ravenna, con la nuova laurea magistrale WACOMA in partenza a settembre.
[19 October 2021]
Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, prose writer, literary theorist, moral philosopher, and political thinker who lived in the 13th Century. He died in Ravenna in 1321: his tomb is the destination of many tourists. 2021 represents the 700th Anniversary of his death, so many events are organized in Ravenna. He is best known for the monumental epic poem “La Divina Commedia” (the Divine Comedy).
Prof. Fabbri and Victor’s lecture on 11.10.2021 (Paradise, 25th)
Ruth’s lecture on 13.10.2021 (Paradise, 27th)
[6 October 2021]
During the OMC – Med Energy Conference, held in Ravenna (28-30 September, 2021), Prof. Fabbri was invited by the company Qint’x to attend the Exhibition session “AGNES Ravenna Project: the first Mediterranean Energy Hub for the offshore renewable facilities construction and green hydrogen generation”. The aim of the presentation was to provide the status of the authorization process, with the actual modification required by the stakeholders involved and ongoing activities related to the engineering of the offshore wind farms, the floating solar PV park, and the green hydrogen generation plants, which are part of the AGNES project.
Our WACOMA students, Ruth and Victor, will spend their internship at Qint’x, working on the Agnes project. By participating to the OMC, they had the opportunity to get in touch with this interesting reality in Ravenna.
[28 June 2021]
Delle 122 candidature ricevute alla scadenza del 16 febbraio, 38 beneficeranno del contributo dell’Unione Europea per la realizzazione di percorsi di studio congiunti di alto profilo, per un budget complessivo pari ad € 112.603.440,00. Sono solo due, per questa tornata, i progetti Erasmus Mundus a coordinamento italiano, di cui uno è WACOMA - Water and Coastal Management, coordinato da Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
[31 May 2021]
The EMJMD WACOMA Consortium is organizing an International Conference in Water and Coastal Management (https://www.wacoma.eu/) that will be held online between the 19th-21st July 2021. The deadline for abstracts’ submissions open to MSc students who graduated at the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences (A.Y. 2019-2020 and 2020-2021) is June 15th 2021, please use the template provided.
[12 May 2021]
Our best wishes and warmest congratulations on the birth of little baby boy Reis to Filomena, our beloved Wacoma Tutor, and to daddy Daniel! 11.05.2021
[6 May 2021]
Click here to register!
Environmental experts from different countries will participate in the webinar to share their knowledge about environmental challenges and successful adoption of sustainable practices in their countries (Costa Rica, Myanmar, Spain, and Russia).
[5 March 2021]
We are happy to have contributed to this project by answering the questions with WACOMA experience.
Credits: Schueller, J. & Colus, F. (2020). The Impact of COVID-19 on Erasmus Mundus Programs: Student and Practitioner Voices.
[9 November 2020]
[7 October 2020]
Male and female students coming from 33 Countries all over the world come to Ravenna to study the "how to save the sea science": WACOMA is the only Master Degree in Europe aimed at training the future managers of marine environments.
[25 September 2020]
4 students from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Brasil and Vietnam will start second Academic Year at Unibo to carry out their project thesis research.
[5 June 2020]
Professor Marcus Polette (University do Vale do Itajaí, Brazil) virtually visited the University of Cadiz to teach the online course “Integrated Coastal Zone Management in practice: How to build a management plan” for our first and second year WACOMA students.
[30 April 2020]
WACOMA students (first and second cohorts) continue to learn online. The course "Drones for coastal management", organised by the University of Cadiz, is being taught online by Prof. Luis Barbero (University of Cadiz) and by the postdoctoral researcher Lara Talavera (University of Algarve).
[23 February 2020]
After completing the 2-weeks Hot Topics Intensive School at UALG, our 20 WACOMA 2019/20 students have arrived to the Partner University of Cadiz at Puerto Real Campus in Cadiz, Spain, third step of their WACOMA Academic path and where they will spent the next 6 months.
All information about Lessons timetable, Spanish Language Courses, Services and facilities, Offices and Practicalities at UCA can be found here .
[3 February 2020]
[26 January 2020]
Our second cohort of students celebrated the end of the semester with a traditional dinner in Ravenna. They are now ready to move to the next programme destination in Faro (Portugal), where they will attend a 2-weeks intensive Winter school hosted by the Partner University of the Algarve - UALG- Gambelas Campus.
[5 May 2019]
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree WACOMA Students who are now attending their second semester at the University of cadiz went on a study visit to study acid mine drainage contamination in the framework of the project @LifeEtad2017 whose goal is to implement an optimized design of a passive treatment system for acid mine drainage process in a kind of IPF mining location passive treatment system carried out by @GeoEnviUHU, Environmental Geochemistry and Mineralogy, Department of Earth Sciences, @UniHuelva University of Huelva, Spain.
[5 May 2019]
On the initiative of Prof. Alice Newton, Professor at the University of Algarve and researcher at the Center for Marine and Environmental Research (CIMA / UALG), the Municipality of Vila Real de Santo António welcomed WACOMA International students on a study visit to get to know the history and heritage of the city.
[26 March 2019]
This Programme is intended to offer internships/research topics to early career researchers doing a 12-month project as part of an MSc in Water and Coastal Management.
The cohort of students is very international, covering five continents.
The objectives are two: to be able to carry out research, within or across projects and to be able to carry out research on ‘real’ topics in international projects — Universidade do Algarve UAlg.
[27 February 2019]
After completing the 2-weeks Hot Topics Intensive School at UALG, all 23 WACOMA Students have just joined the Partner University of Cadiz at Puerto Real Campus in Cadiz, Spain, where they will be attending the second semester. The students have been warmly received by the University of Cadiz Professors, Lecturers, Administrative Staff and Alumni.
All information about Lessons timetable, Spanish Language Courses, Services and facilities, Offices and Practicalities at UCA can be found here.
[27 February 2019]
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the three master students that Future Earth Coasts have had the pleasure to supervise in their Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in WAter and COastal MAnagement – 2018.
[24 January 2019]
We are proud to announce that Professor Elena Fabbri, EMJMD WACOMA Coordinator, has just been re-elected to the position of President of Ravenna Campus for the years 2019/2021. The President is elected amongst the Academics teaching at Ravenna Campus, she chairs the Campus Board and is a member of the University of Bologna Campus Coordination. Elena Fabbri is Full Professor in Physiology at the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences.
[24 October 2018]
WACOMA EMJMD Coordinator, Professor Elena Fabbri and Programme Coordinator, Daniela Farinelli are now participating to the EMJMD Cluster meeting 2018: European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes.
[12 October 2018]
WACOMA students during the field trip along the northern coast of Emilia-Romagna, together with Prof. Beatrice Giambastiani (Applied Geologist, Univ. of Bologna), Dr. Roberto Montanari and Dr. Carlo Albertazzi (Regione Emilia-Romagna, Italy, Area of Coastal defence interventions and Integrated Coastal Zone Management).
[3 October 2018]
Eduardo Barboza Guimarez, Professor from the Federal University do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS; Porto Alegre, Brasil) is an External Scholar teaching in WACOMA during the first semester at the University of Bologna.
[26 August 2018]
Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash
23 excellent students selected amongst over 250 candidates from all over the world are expected to arrive by the end of August at the University of Bologna.
[12 January 2018]
Ersasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in WAter and COastal MAnagment (WACOMA)
Future Earth Coasts
[26 July 2021]
On the 6th and 7th July 2021, the WACOMA 2nd cohort students graduated during the graduation session for the Academic Year 2020/2021. 20 students discussed with the Commission, Supervisors and Co-Examiners their dissertation thesis as an output of their research period spent at one of the 3 Consortium partners (Ravenna, Cadiz or Faro). Read
[31 May 2021]
On May 4th and 27th, the Coordinators and the Wacoma staff met, respectively, the 2nd and 3rd Cohort of students in remote. The focus of the meetings was to update the current status of all the students, in particular for those who are graduating in July (2nd Cohort) and those who are looking to organize their second year, so the internship and thesis proposal (3rd Cohort). The Wacoma conference 2021 (https://www.wacoma.eu/) was also presented by prof. Laiz, as the main organizer in Cadiz: students of the 2nd Cohort will be the main actors of the international event. Finally, the Assurance AON’s staff participated to illustrate the contract and reply to students’ questions.
[17 February 2021]
What our students say about WACOMA:
[14 September 2020]
On Tuesday the 15th of September, from 3 to 5 p.m. (Italian time) join the Ravenna Campus Virtual INTERNATIONAL WELCOME DAY - #IWW2020!
Be ready to introduce yourself, turn on the camera and mic, tell us your name, place of origin, master degree you are in and a sentence about you!
It’s time to start putting names to faces.
Check the programme and join us on Microsoft Teams.
[19 June 2020]
The students of the EMJMD of science in Geospatial Technologies are glad to invite all the WACOMA students (current and alumni) to attend the Geomundus 2020 conference committee which will take place from 27th to 28th November 2020 at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) located in the city of Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. If you are interested in attending our event and using the opportunity to join us for two days of presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities on the topic of Geospatial Technologies, remember to register.
[30 April 2020]
(Badr El Mahrad, Samuel Abalansa, Alice Newton, John David Icely, Maria Snoussi, Ilias Kacimi)
The research, published by our WACOMA alumni Badr El Mahrad, provides an overview of 11 out of 22 lagoons in North Africa, from the Atlantic to the Eastern Mediterranean.
[6 September 2018]
The Women Team managing WACOMA (from the left: Prof. Elena Fabbri, Coordinator; Dr. Daniela Farinelli, Programme Manager; Dr Filomena Volpe, Assistant for students and teachers; Prof. Alice Newton, Institutional Coordinator for University of Algarve; Prof. Irene Laiz, Institutional Coordinator for University of Cadiz.
[8 March 2018]
Last update: 13 Jul 2022
Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet, prose writer, literary theorist, moral philosopher, and political thinker who lived in the 13th Century. He died in Ravenna in 1321: his tomb is the destination of many tourists. 2021 represents the 700th Anniversary of his death, so many events are organized in Ravenna. He is best known for the monumental epic poem “La Divina Commedia” (the Divine Comedy).
Between the others, our WACOMAs had the opportunity to participate in the “Lettura perpetua della Commedia” (perpetual reading of the Comedy), in front of the Tomb. Victor Almeida and Ruth Cuenca read, respectively in Portuguese and Spanish, the 25th and 27th chapter of the book Paradiso. Prof. Elena Fabbri translated into Italian the 25th chapter following the reading of Victor.
Prof. Elena Fabbri expressed her satisfaction with the initiative of the Municipality of Ravenna, together with Fondazione RavennaAntica, which involved several international students of the Ravenna’s Campus who read the Divina Commedia in different languages such as English, Chinese, Russian, Serbian, Turkish, Urdu, German, etc. “The Campus of Ravenna hosts students from all the World. This is a concrete opportunity for our students in Ravenna to relate themself to the City and its history, to enrich their academic experience”.
Ruth Cuenca declared: “It was undoubtedly a beautiful and unforgettable experience. It was very emotional and it was an honour for me to read the Divine Comedy in front of Dante's tomb. I am very grateful for the opportunity.” while Victor Almeida expressed his emotions: “Reciting a piece of Dante’s Divina Commedia on the steps of his tomb was an experience I will never forget! Reading Paradiso book, Canto XXV in my native language of Portuguese was an honourable challenge and I am thankful for having the opportunity to do so.”
Dante’s Divine Comedy, a landmark in Italian literature and among the greatest works of all medieval European literature, is a profound Christian vision of humankind’s temporal and eternal destiny. On its most personal level, it draws on Dante’s own experience of exile from his native city of Florence. On its most comprehensive level, it may be read as an allegory, taking the form of a journey through hell, purgatory, and paradise. The poem amazes by its array of learning, its penetrating and comprehensive analysis of contemporary problems, and its inventiveness of language and imagery. By choosing to write his poem in the Italian vernacular rather than in Latin, Dante decisively influenced the course of literary development (he primarily used the Tuscan dialect, which would become standard literary Italian, but his vivid vocabulary ranged widely over many dialects and languages.) Not only did he lend a voice to the emerging lay culture of his own country, but Italian became the literary language in western Europe for several centuries.
What our students say about WACOMA:
In order of appearance:
(Badr El Mahrad, Samuel Abalansa, Alice Newton, John David Icely, Maria Snoussi, Ilias Kacimi)
The research, published by our WACOMA alumni Badr El Mahrad, provides an overview of 11 out of 22 lagoons in North Africa, from the Atlantic to the Eastern Mediterranean. Drivers–Activities–Pressures–State Change–Impact (on Welfare)–Responses (as Measures), DAPSI(W)R(M) framework was used to analyze the human activities in and around the lagoons exert multiple pressures on these ecosystems and result in changes in the environment, affecting salinity, dissolved oxygen, and erosion; changes in the ecology, such as loss of biodiversity; and changes in the delivery of valuable ecosystem services. The finding and provided measures will support decision-makers with science-based knowledge to deliver sustainable development for the lagoons ecosystems.
The Wacoma Consortium Partner Universities Institutional Coordinators, Professor Elena Fabbri from the University of Bologna, Professor Irene Laiz Alonso from the University of Cadiz and Professor Alice Newton from the University of the Algarve joined the Coordinating Meeting held in Ravenna on March the 6th-7th and the Kick Off Meeting in Bologna on March the 8th along with National and International Associated Partners (Emilia Romagna Region, ARPA-ER, Lighthouse, Fondazione Flaminia) and Associated Partner Universities who joined the Web-conference from Brasil (UFRGS and UNIVALI) and Ireland (Future Earth Coast-UCC).
WACOMA: European Excellent Studies on Climate Change and the Coast.
University of Bologna - Ravenna Campus Coordinating Institution of the EMJMD Wacoma, the programme has been selected for funding amongst 116 applications, it is cofounded by the European Commission for around 3 Million Euros.
Selected Students from all over the world will join the master degree for the academic year 2018/2019.
23 excellent students selected amongst over 250 candidates from all over the world are expected to arrive by the end of August at the University of Bologna. The Kick-OFF Meeting will take place in Bologna on September the 6th, the students will be welcomed by the University of Bologna Rector, Professor Francesco Ubertini, by the Coordinator of the EMJMD Wacoma, Professor Elena Fabbri and by the Coordinators of the University of Cadiz and the University of the Algarve as well as the Academic staff involved in the project.
A number of welcoming activities are planned to take place in September: https://events.unibo.it/international-welcomeweek-campusravenna
Classes will start on September the 5th.
Eduardo Barboza Guimarez, Professor from the Federal University do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS; Porto Alegre, Brasil) is an External Scholar teaching in WACOMA during the first semester at the University of Bologna. UFRGS is an Associated Partner of the EMJMD WACOMA, and presented the Erasmus Mundus Programme and the teaching module by Prof. Barboza (Advanced technologies for coastal assessment and management) to the Consul General of Italy in Brasil who visited the University on Oct 3rd, 2018. In the picture, Prof Barboza first on the left; the Rector of UFRGS Rui Vicente Opperman third from the left; the Consul General of Italy Roberto Bortot, forth from the right.
WACOMA EMJMD Coordinator, Professor Elena Fabbri and Programme Coordinator, Daniela Farinelli are now participating to the EMJMD Cluster meeting 2018: European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes.
Over 150 EMJMD Coordinators, EACEA, EU Heads of Unit and Officers as well as EMA alumni gathered together for a 2 days meeting and workshops in Brussels on the topic of European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes with special focus on dismantling obstacles, integrate jointness, raise awareness and promote the added value of the European Approach in the framework of international cooperation in the European Higher Education Area.
The 1st cohort of 23 EMJMD Wacoma students have just completed their first Semster at the University of Bologna – Ravenna Campus where they have attended classes and passed exams, they carried out practical and fieldwork activities and have been involved in conferences, intercultural and international activities as well as country presentations. All the students have completeted their academic assignments of 5 compulsory modules for a total of 30 ECTS in the following:
Physiology applied to the environment: pollutant impacts on human health and ecosystem; Advanced technologies and decision support systems in water and coastal management; Hydrocomplexity of the coastal zone; Environmental economics and risk management in coastal policy; Environmental economics and risk management in coastal policy.
They are now off to UALG where they will be attending a 2-weeks Hot topics intensive School for a total of 6 ECTS. The main focus is to keep the master programme updated to the state of the art, latest methodologies, frameworks and development in the field of Water and Coastal Management. Students will attend lectures and seminars on the following: System Approach Framework (SAF); Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) Framework; Assessment frameworks: Ocean Health Index, Ecological Status (WFD) Environmental status (MSFD); Governance and Sustainability; World Ocean Assessment (WOA), Marine cetaceans, Remote sensing and coastal management; Modelling the morphological response of coastal systems to projected sea-level rise during the 21st century; Harmful phytoplankton in an upwelling region. They will have the chance to visit the Centre for Marine and Environmental Research, the Centre of Marine Sciences, Scientific diving center.
They will go on field trips and boat trips to different water ecosystems in the algarve: a beach, a lagoon, barrier islands and a river. Students will have debriefing and assignments for each activity and lecturers they will attend.
Lecturers, experts and WACOMA and MACOMA Alumni will be involved in the seminars and practical activities.
Full programme and details HERE.
Prof. Elena Fabbri, the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree WACOMA Coordinator for the University of Bologna, has just been nominated as Bologna Ambassador for the year 2019.
The prize is awarded by the Bologna Convention Bureau to personalities of Academia, Medicine, Industry and Sport who have been recognised for their outstanding outreach and engagement in contributing to the promotion of Bologna in the world through the organization of significant and far-reaching scientific meetings and/or programmes and events. It has been acknowledged that WACOMA has proven its worldwide attractivenes to a very large and qualified audience, with hundreds of contacts and applications, and network made of over 20 Partners in the world and several stakeholders. During its first year of activity, after a strict selection process based on academic background, WACOMA brought to the University of Bologna 24 excellent students from 16 different Countries, from New Zealand to USA, from Vietnam to Brasil.
Anuncio de congreso
Versión en español debajo
The EMJMD WACOMA Consortium is organizing an International Conference in Water and Coastal Management (https://www.wacoma.eu/) that will be held online between the 19th-21st July 2021. WACOMA is a multidisciplinary MSc degree that integrates aquatic, environmental and coastal marine sciences to provide a solid knowledge of environmental and legal competencies concerning water and coastal hazard and risk mitigation, adaptation, as well as knowledge of the economic framework of climate change and green economy, coupled to decision making processes. Besides, the program promotes the exchange of information between the academic sector and the coastal users and stakeholders.
The conference is aimed at MSc students who graduated at the Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences during the academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 and who’s research topic fits within the scope of the conference. Each of the thematic sessions will be inaugurated with a plenary talk, and several talks from specialized companies will also be held.
Thus, WACOMA is an excellent meeting point for students and professionals within the water and coastal management discipline. It provides a very important occasion for the scientific dissemination of the results obtained by MSc students and/or alumni through their thesis research work. Besides, researchers and professionals of the sector will have the opportunity to present state-of-the-art studies.
The deadline for abstracts’ submissions is 15 June 2021 and they must follow the template provided.
We encourage you to participate!!
Irene Laiz, Elena Fabbri, and Alice Newton (Organizing Committee)
El Máster Erasmus Mundus WACOMA está organizando el primer congreso internacional en gestión de aguas y costas (International Conference in Water and Coastal Management, (https://www.wacoma.eu/), que tendrá lugar online del 19 al 21 de julio de 2021. WACOMA es un máster multidisciplinar que integra ciencias marinas, acuáticas y medioambientales y que promueve el intercambio de información entre el sector académico, el empresarial y los usuarios de la costa.
El congreso está dirigido a aquellos estudiantes de máster que se hayan graduado en la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales durante los cursos académicos 2019-2020 y 2020-2021 y cuya línea de investigación encaje en los objetivos del congreso. Cada sesión temática se inaugurará con una charla plenaria. Además, habrá diversas charlas impartidas por profesionales de distintas empresas relacionadas con el sector.
Por lo tanto, WACOMA es un excelente punto de encuentro para estudiantes y profesionales en el ámbito de la gestión de aguas y costas y representa una importante ocasión para la diseminación de resultados científicos obtenidos por estudiantes y/o graduados de máster durante su trabajo de Final de Máster. Además, investigadores y profesionales del sector tendrán la oportunidad de presentar estudios punteros.
Dado que el idioma oficial del Máster es el inglés, únicamente se aceptarán resúmenes en inglés y tanto las comunicaciones orales como los pósteres se presentarán en inglés.
La fecha límite para el envío de comunicaciones es el 15 de junio de 2021. Todas las comunicaciones deben ajustarse a la plantilla, que puede descargarse de la página web.
¡Os animamos a que participéis!
Irene Laiz, Elena Fabbri, y Alice Newton (Comité Organizador)